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Pre-conference activities

The VII BRISPE will include pre-conference activities (December 4, 2024)


Check for Registration fees here


Doctoral Forum: *closed session for doctoral students with accepted applications related to  ongoing projects directly or indirectly related to the theme of the conference or any topics on research ethics/integrity - and the panel members - 10 am-5 pm (morning and afternoon groups). 


Instructions for submissions to this activity will be available shortly.


Minicourse 1: Publication ethics and generative artificial intelligence - 10 am-1 pm.


Minicourse 2: Exploring language models to build up research projects: From generating ideas to bringing them to reality - 2:30-5:30 pm.


*PhD candidates with applications accepted for the Doctoral Forum will only be included in the session only after payment of the registration fee for the VII BRISPE is confirmed. There won’t be an extra fee for students with applications approved for the Doctoral Forum.


Register here for pre-conference activities (registration for the doctoral forum is waived for doctoral students registered for the main event and with accepted applications).


Please, scroll down to see all the information

Doctoral Forum

and VII BRISPE Award for Excellence in Doctoral Research on Research Integrity and Publication Ethics

The organizing committee of the VII Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (VII BRISPE) is pleased to announce that a Doctoral Forum will be held for the first time in the event! The Forum will provide a unique opportunity for PhD students to share ideas and the progress of their ongoing projects with colleagues and experienced researchers in the fields of research integrity and publication ethics.


This scientific forum will provide an exciting, friendly and supportive environment for PhD students to interact with other participants! 

Participation will be limited to invited research integrity experts/mentors and a maximum of 12 accepted applicants. It will be held on December 4, as part of the pre-conference meetings [Access].

On the recommendation of the Doctoral Forum panel, two awards will be granted to two outstanding doctoral projects (according to specified criteria to be released). The awards will be announced at the closing session of the VII BRISPE.  

To apply, submit an outline of your doctoral project accompanied by a cover letter and an endorsement letter from your supervisor(s).  

The cover letter should discuss your motivations to present your project at the Forum. The letter should contain the author’s name, supervisor’s name, institutional affiliation (please include e-mail, phone number and institutional address) and planned date for the completion of the doctoral study.

The project outline must include a brief introduction, rationale for the study, methods, and preliminary/main results (if any)/main contribution to the field of research integrity and/or publication ethics, and references. It should be typed double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point type. Page margins should be set at one inch (2.54 cm) top, bottom, left and right. The outline of your project should have between 1,000-1,400 words (maximally). You may insert hyperlinks to preregistrations, publications, and websites if you want. References should be formatted in National Library of Medicine [NLM] Style [Access].

The subject of your message should be: “VII BRISPE – Submission to the Doctoral Forum”. Only doc or pdf files will be accepted.


Applications are limited to doctoral students officially enrolled in a graduate program – at any stage of their project. Accepted applicants must register for the conference, otherwise they will not be able to participate in the forum.


October 14. Applicants will be notified of a decision by October 21, 2024.

Selection Criteria:

(1) The project must have a direct connection with research integrity and/or publication ethics; and (2) the outline must include study design, data analysis or interpretation of the main results; (3) the submission must include a cover letter and a letter from your supervisor (s) endorsing the presentation at the Forum.

All the material should be in English, the official language of the VII BRISPE.

For this reason, the language of the Doctoral Forum session is English - simultaneous translation will not be available for this pre-conference activity. 

If you’re interested in participating, please submit your application to, by October 14.


Further information on the Forum, including panel members, will be available shortly.

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